
Terranea Earth Month Featuring Art To Grow On

Terranea Earth Month Featuring Art To Grow On

Terranea Resort is holding a number of events in April for Earth Month. These events will feature five Art To Grow On Events throughout the month! Read all about Earth Month on their website. Read the full article.

A Commitment To Play

A Commitment To Play

[vc_row section_background="color" background_color="#ffffff"][vc_column][vc_column_text]As we kick off 2017, what a great opportunity to renew our commitment to the Art of Play. Our culture is filled with “busyness”…classes, homework, the driving to and from and...

The Mindful School Year Ahead

The Mindful School Year Ahead

Happy Fall! September is here and we are off and running towards another school year filled with academics, activities, sports, tutoring, and more. Each and every year I dedicate my fall column to my personal promise of not over scheduling my own two boys and this...

The Lazy Days of Summer

The Lazy Days of Summer

Growing up, I have great memories of summer: the beach, friends over for swim parties, my mom cutting up peaches for us, sleep overs, art classes, Yosemite, and BBQ’s. I know I attended a few camps, but nothing as specialized like the options of today….I remember the...

Bringing the Fun Back into Play

Bringing the Fun Back into Play

Happy spring! My two favorite seasons are upon us, spring and summer, and it always inspires me to take the time to ensure my boys will have a great end of the school year and summer. The school year, even from preschool through kindergarten on, is filled with...

Product Review by What’s Up For Kids

Product Review by What’s Up For Kids

This month Art To Grow On gave us the opportunity to review their product The Art Box AcademyTM. The Art Box AcademyTM is a complete Great Master Artist Lesson that comes in a box with the lesson materials, including information about a famous artist and the details...

Invitation to The Art Box Academy 25-Year Anniversary Party